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发布时间: 2016年05月05日

雅思口语常见话题卡剖析 - 雅思口语




A classmate, 还可以用来形容 best friend,a child you know,happy person,A good friend

A family member,an old person who influenced you the most,someone you admire

A happy person,a successful person,A person who has influenced you

A person you would like to spend a day with=successful person=famous person

A character in TV show or films=happy person=successful person

Describe a colleague=successful person

Describe a music group or singer in your country=famous person

Describe your neighbor=your best friend

Describe your parents=family member

Describe your personality and its advantages结合自己的学习工作谈自己性格的优点

Describe your teacher=a friend


Describe your favorite book选一本工具书,或者是你熟悉的小说,不用写内容,只要谈书的作用就行了

Describe a invention before computer 电话,收音机

Describe a letter or a card。写学校的录取信,或者移民通过的信,可以和success in your life用一个答案

Describe a pet有养宠物的话就写自己的宠物好了。

Describe photography可以同describe a card or letter.

Describe a product that you bought but not satisfied with. 家里应该很多吧

Describe a traditional Chinese dress旗袍。

Describe a work of art风筝

Describe your favorite advertisement。不要讲情节

Describe an animal同describe a pet

Describe a piece of architecture in your hometown同a building in your hometown

Describe a special piece of clothes or jewelry写自己的wedding ring,或者lucky ring。

Describe an expensive thing you wan to buy具体到价格,I wan to buy a $5000 laptop

Describe a food that you enjoyed. 要能说得明白怎么做,分三步就可以

Describe something you want to own in the future=expensive thing that you want to buy

Describe the best gift=pet=expensive thing you want to buy

Describe a machine/piece of equipment that is important to you=mobile phone or computer

Describe a newspaper of magazine=your favorite book

Describe a interesting room=favorite room in your home

Describe a toy of yours可以写fluffy toys(毛绒玩具),balloon或者宠物


Describe a problem you’ve met in your life。参考a success in your life,有了problem之后,解决了就是success

Describe a thing you are interested in doing in the future=describe a book you want to write

Describe a your favorite way of communication=mobile phone

Describe an artistic skill you wish to learn=write a book或者绘画

Describe a small business you want to start=谈自己的工作

Describe an important decision you’ve made=describe a change in your life可以写决定要出国

Describe your ideal job着眼于现在工作的不足来写理想工作的特点

Describe an industry in your hometown参考第一阶段,或者直接说旅游业

Describe a special meal讲第一次约会的晚餐好了,呵呵

Describe your experience in learning a language参考第一阶段

Describe pollution in your area可以讲水污染

Describe a skill or subject you want to study参考第一阶段“自己的兴趣”

Describe something you are good at参考第一阶段“自己的爱好”

Tell me about how you can improve your work or study参考advantage of your character

Describe your favorite period of time during a day具体到一小段时间,例如after lunch, 或者on my way to work

Describe a project or work you finished with others=每天的工作=describe your colleague

Describe a youth culture in your country=describe a singer, band or singing group

Describe something you’ve learned from foreign culture=describe eastern wedding and western wedding

Describe an ambition in your life=describe an ideal job=describe and ideal house

Describe one or two bad habits or yours应该比较简单,例如no exercise, too much coffee, too much pressure



