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发布时间: 2016年05月05日

雅思口语话题思路指导:a positive change - 雅思口语



大家首先要注意,时态上一定要用过去时,然后想一想什么样的chang是positive change呢?比如一次basketball game队友们让你意识到自己技术上的问题,从此球技突飞猛进;比如一次家人生病了,有生以来第一次照顾父母;比如你学开车考驾照的经历;比如你第一次离开家到外地求学。。。只要不紧张,认准了话题往下讲其实不会太难说。不过有一些套话是描述change的时候可以用的,比如:

This experience altered the course of my life---这次经历改变了我的人生道路;

At first,I was really bewildered and frustrated.刚开始我感到很沮丧也很困惑;

My teammates encouraging words really cheered me up.队友们的鼓励话语让我振作起来;

My driving instructor's sound advice made quite a change in my performance.驾车教练的好建议让我的表现提高了很多;

It not only improved my skills,it also solved my attitude problem.这不仅仅提高了我的技术,也让我改变了自己态度上的问题;

For the first time in my time,I found my father so vulnerable and so helpless.有生以来第一次,我感到父亲这么弱小这么无助;

This episode had profound influence on my later life.这段经历对我后来的人生有深远的影响;

I became a more caring and loving son/daughter after that incident.这件事情以后我变成了一个更关心家长的孩子;

It prompted me to start working on my agility and team spirit.这促使我改进我的灵活性和团队精神;

This experience was pretty much a milestone in my life.这段经历可以说是我人生道路上一个新的里程碑;

It made me tougher and more tenacious.这让我变得更坚强,更有毅力。



