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新东方在线 托福(Toefl)培训


发布时间: 2016年08月17日



TOPIC In general, people are living longer now. Discuss the causes of this phenomenon. Use specific reasons and details to develop your essay.


A hundred years ago, the average life span of a human was a little more than fifty years in most developed countries. In the year 2002, on the other hand, Japan has an average life span of 82 years for women. The United States has a life span almost as high. In fact, many countries have experienced similar increases. What accounts for this dramatic increase in longevity? Cures against disease, more accessible medical research on preventative medicine, and people’s constant drive against world hunger are three reasons to explain this phenomenon.

At the beginning of the twentieth century, doctors could not cure many diseases. For example, when my great grandfather became stricken with small pox, his doctor worked very hard to help treat the symptoms. But because there was no cure for small pox, he died a few weeks after being exposed to the virus. Nowadays, all children are required to receive a vaccination against small pox, making the occurrence of such an illness almost nonexistent. During the middle ages, thousands of people died in Europe because of the Bubonic Plague. This and other diseases, significantly causing death to people of young ages, are now eliminated due to simple vaccinations given to children.

In contrast to the past, modern society has ready access to medical research on preventative medicine. A current popular information medium on preventative medicine is the Internet. A useful Web Site titled WebMD has a wealth of information on cancer, sexual dysfunction, maintaining a daily exercise routine, diabetes, and so on. People can now learn how to prevent diseases by reading medical journals and articles available at a click of a mouse. In the past, this type of information was only available to those in the medical community.

To further reduce the number of people dying at younger ages, many countries have been educating their citizens about world hunger. Michael Jackson and other singers, a few years ago, wrote a song titled “Feed the World,” which raised millions of dollars for starving children in Africa. Many nonprofit organizations to feed starving children in many countries spawned from that drive. It is not uncommon to see television advertisements in the United States soliciting donations from Americans in an effort to feed those inside and outside the borders of the United States. Consequently, many children who would have otherwise died due to starvation are given vitamins, staple foods, and preventative medicines to help extend their life-spans and quality of life.

Cures for once incurable diseases, easier access to medical research on how to prevent diseases, and more food and money to children in starving countries now give many the opportunity to live longer and healthier lives. Perhaps in 2102, at our current rate of medicinal innovation, the average life span of those living in developing countries may extend to 100 years.


longevity 长寿

preventative 预防性的

stricken with 被折磨

virus 病毒

nonprofit organization 非盈利组织

donation 捐赠




