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发布时间: 2016年09月07日


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  Microsoft rolled out its new Project Spartan web browser for the first time publicly today, offering members of the Windows Insider Program early access to the product designed to revitalize the company’s position in the browser market.

  今天,微软为Windows会员计划的参与者们提供机会提前尝试新浏览器Project Spartan。这款首次对外公开的产品承载了微软在浏览器市场东山再起的希望。

  Features of the new browser include support for annotating web pages. Users can either write or type notes on the page, which they can then share with other people. It’s an interesting move by the company to essentially take its collaboration features from Office and bring them to the web.


  In addition, Spartan users will be able to get help from Cortana, Microsoft’s virtual assistant, which also appears on the Windows 10 desktop. According to Microsoft, Cortana be waiting in the background until users want a piece of contextual information that the assistant can bring up. Since Cortana is powered in part by Bing, it’s no surprise that she has found a home in Microsoft’s web browser.

  此外,Spartan用户还能从微软虚拟助手小娜那里获得帮助。小娜还将出现在Windows 10桌面上。微软表示,在能为用户提供想要的相关信息前,小娜都会在后台静候。考虑到小娜基于必应搜索引擎,她出现在微软的浏览器里也就没什么可奇怪的了。

  People who do a lot of reading on their computer may get some mileage out of Spartan’s Reading List feature, which is similar to systems like Instapaper and Pocket. The browser allows people to save web pages for later, and read them in a simplified view that blocks out distractions. It’s similar to a feature that Apple offers in Safari, with the same name.

  经常用电脑阅读的用户能从Spartan的Reading List功能中获益。该功能和Instapaper、Pocket类似,用户不仅能够保存页面以供稍后阅读,还能屏蔽各种杂乱信息。苹果在Safari浏览器中也提供了相似功能,连名称都一模一样。

  Spartan also features a new rendering engine that’s supposed to better support the modern web, something that may draw the support of web developers who dislike Internet Explorer.


  Like the other components of the Windows 10 Technical Preview, Project Spartan is still a piece of pre-release software, which means it’s not right for everyone, and there are likely plenty of bugs lurking in its code. People who need their computers to perform reliably day in and day out should probably stay away for the time being.

  和Windows 10技术预览版的其它组件一样,Project Spartan尚未正式发布,也就是说它并不适合所有人。代码里可能还隐藏着许多bug。那些需要电脑每天稳定工作的人们可能要暂时等等了。




