当前位置: 网校排名> 新东方在线> 2016年托福考试词汇语法练习题(8)
新东方在线 托福(Toefl)培训


发布时间: 2016年10月25日



  1. Reformers feared that the privately owned utility companies would charge exorbitant rates for these essential services and deliver them only to people who could afford them.

  The word "exorbitant" is closest in meaning to which of following?

  (A) additional

  (B) expensive

  (C) various

  (D) modified

  2. Proponents of these reforms argued that public ownership and regulation would insure widespread access to these utilities and guarantee a fair price.

  The word "Proponents" is closest in meaning to which of following?

  (A) Experts

  (B) Pioneers

  (C) Reviewers

  (D) Supporters

  3. By 1776 the fine art of painting as it had developed in western Europe up to this time had been introduced into the American colonies through books and prints, European visitors and immigrants, and traveling colonists who brought back copies of old master paintings and acquaintance with European art institutions. By the outbreak of the Revolution against British rule in 1776, the status of the artist had already undergone change.

  The word "outbreak" is closest in meaning to which of following?

  (A) cause

  (B) beginning

  (C) position

  (D) explanation

  The word "undergone" is closest in meaning to which of following?

  (A) led to

  (B) transformed

  (C) preferred

  (D) experienced

  4. Some colonial urban portraitist, such as John Singleton Copley, Benjamin West, and Charles Willson Peale, consorted with affluent patrons.

  The word "consorted" is closest in meaning to which of following?

  (A) made decisions

  (B) studied

  (C) agreed

  (D) associated

  5. Although subject to fluctuations in their economic status, all three enjoyed sufficient patronage to allow them to maintain an image of themselves as professional artists, an image indicated by their custom of signing their paintings.

  The word "sufficient" is closest in meaning to which of following?

  (A) adequate

  (B) temporary

  (C) friendly

  (D) expensive

  6. The railroad simultaneously stripped the landscape of the natural resources, made velocity of transport and economy of scale necessary parts of industrial production, and carried consumer goods to households;it dispatched immigrants to unsettled places, drew emigrants away from farms and villages to cities, and sent men and guns to battle.

  The word "drew" is closest in meaning to which of following?

  (A) obliged

  (B) designed

  (C) helped

  (D ) attracted

  7. It standardized time and travel, seeking to annihilate distance and space by allowing movement at any time and in any season or type of weather.

  The word "annihilate" is closest in meaning to which of following?

  (A) conquer

  (B) utilize

  (C) separate

  (D) mechanize

  8. Moreover, in addition to its being a transportation pathway equipped with a mammoth physical plant of tracks signals, crossings, bridges, and junctions, plus telegraph and telephone lines the railroad nurtured factory complexes, coat piles, warehouses, and generating stations, forming along its right-of-way what has aptly been called "the metropolitan corridor" of the American landscape.

  The word "Moreover" is closest in meaning to which of following?

  (A) consequently

  (B) furthermore

  (C) although

  (D) because

  The word "aptly" is closest in meaning to which of following?

  (A) appropriately

  (B) virtually

  (C) consistently

  (D) incessantly

  9. The Native Americans of northern California were highly skilled at basketry, using the reeds, grasses, barks, and roots they found around them to fashion articles of all sorts and sizes-not only trays, containers, and cooking pots, but hats, boats, fish traps, baby carriers, and ceremonial objects.

  The word "fashion" is closest in meaning to which of following?

  (A) maintain

  (B) organize

  (C) trade

  (D) create

  10. In addition, they made used of four distinct variations on the basic twining process, often employing more than one of them in a single article.

  The word "article" is closest in meaning to which of following?

  (A) decoration

  (B) shape

  (C) design

  (D) object


  1 B

  2 D

  3 B D

  4 D

  5 A

  6 D

  7 A

  8 B A

  9 D

  10 D




