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发布时间: 2016年11月23日


新东方托福网络课程免费试听 整理“2016年5月22日托福独立口语小范围预测(11道题)”,更多关于托福考试口语预测。



1-8. Which of the following would you like to learn: playing the piano, swimming, or repairing a car? Explain why. Please include details and examples in your explanation.

Of all these things, I’d like to learn how to swim.

Firstly, the swimming may help me lose my weight. Honestly now I’m a little bit overweight, if I join in the swimming team in my school, I will swim four times a week and each time I will swim at least 1000 meters. This may burn my fat and I might be thinner months later.

And also, this sport could help me have more friends. Now all of my friends are from my own class. If I join in the swimming team, I may meet people from other departments or faculties, such as the history department, art faculty or the media department and so on. Then my friends’ circle will be enlarged.

That’s why I’d like to learn the swimming.

1-22.Students attend different clubs in college, such as the science club, hiking club, etc. Which one are you interested in? Explain why. Please include details and examples in your explanation.

In terms of these two clubs, I’d like to choose the hiking club.

Firstly, this club may help me lose my weight. Honestly now I’m a little bit overweight, if I join in the hiking club in my school, I will hike several times a week with other friends and each time we may hike at least 10 kilometers. This may burn my fat and I might be thinner months later.

And also, this sport could help me have more friends. Now all of my friends are from my own class. If I join in the hiking team, I may meet people from other departments or faculties, such as the history department, art faculty or the media department and so on. Then my friends’ circle will be enlarged.

That’s why I’d like to join in the hiking club.

1-12. Your school has received a gift of money. What do you think is the best way for your school to spend this money: improving student life, sports facilities, or research technology? Use specific reasons and examples to support your choice.

In my view, I recommend the school to invest the money in the sports facilities.

First of all, the sports facilities may help students keep healthy and lose weight. If there is a gym on the campus, then students will have more chances to do different sports, such as yoga, swimming, badminton, table tennis and so on. All these may burn their fat and they can keep a balance between work and study.

And also, doing sport could help students have more friends. When they are in the sport teams, not only they can meet people from their own classes but they may also meet people from different departments or faculties, such as the history department, art faculty and so on. Then their friends’ circle will be enlarged.


1-2. What are the advantages and disadvantages of requiring students to evaluate their professors at the end of the semester? Explain why. Please include details and examples in your explanation.

Honestly speaking, there are the advantages and disadvantages.

As for the merit, this can motivate the professors to enhance their teaching quality. Knowing the feedback, the professor may make some perfection on their contents, logic, teaching methods and so on. All the improvement may better satisfy students’ need.

However, there is the disadvantage that some students may not give the objective assessments. Some students’ evaluations are merely based on their own preferences instead of the academic need or angle; or some students may only join in part of the lessons and they don't know the overall views of the lessons. Thus, their evaluations may not be significant.

1-16. How do you improve the education system of your country. Give your specific explanation in your response.

I think the schools in my country should add more P.E. classes.

Cause this can tremendously improve students’ physical constitution and decrease the obesity. Nowadays many students suffer from the excessive study burden, the lack of doing exercise; and what they eat are rich in fat and sugar. The obesity among students is common. If the schools, especially high schools, can add more P.E. classes, such as 5 or 6 times a week and each class lasts for around 1 or 2 hours. Then students will have more chances to do sports, such as the yoga, swimming, basketball and so on. All these can help them keep a balance between study and exercise, As a result, students will be less likely to get fat and this is good for children’s growth.

2-1.Do you agree or disagree with the following statement? Parents today put more pressure on their children than parents in the past? Explain why. Please include specific examples and details in your explanation.

In my view, parents put more pressure on children nowadays.

The main reason I think is the average educational backgrounds of people have been greatly increased. Taking my country for example, in the past, many people’s educational backgrounds were limited, most of them had never been to colleges or merely got the bachelor degrees in the university, and they could also find good jobs. However, nowadays, many people around me not only get the bachelor degree, even they have the master degrees or doctor degrees; or they have the oversea study backgrounds, such as the experience in America, Australia, Britain and so on. If students don’t study well, they are less likely to be competitive. As a result, parents put more pressure on them, regulating them more strictly.


1-9. You are admitted to two universities at the same time. One is prestigious but has a high tuition and the other is not but gives you a scholarship. Which would you go to and why?

In terms of these two choices, I prefer to choose the prestigious university.

Firstly, the prestigious university may better help me develop myself. Graduating from the prestigious university, I may find a better job, step into a more famous enterprise, know great guys, even help me find a more desired girlfriend. Education is the lifelong choice.

As for the high tuition, people can apply for loans from the bank, or the scholarship from university, and can even borrow money from relatives to pass the difficult period. After all, the difficulty is temporary.

That’s why I think going to a famous university is a more reasonable choice.

1-10. A friend of yours always gets up late in the morning and misses his morning classes. The professor has told him that this behavior will affect his grade. What advice would you give him and why? Please include details and examples in your explanation.

In terms of this condition, I may give him two suggestions.

One is that he should go to sleep earlier than before. To be scientific, if an adult gets around 8 hours’ sleep, he may not feel sleepy and will feel energetic. If he adjusts his biological clock, maybe two hours earlier than before, goes to bed at before 10 o’clock, he will get up early in the future.

Another advice is that he can set more alarm clocks. Now he may only set one alarm clock, once its goes off, he may just turn it off. If he sets several alarms, maybe four or five different alarms positioned at different places in his room, then he may be more likely to be woken up.


2-13.Do you agree or disagree that it is acceptable that students disagree with their instructor? Please include details and examples in your explanation.

I agree with the point that students can disagree with their instructors.

The main reason I think is that students may have innovative ideas. For example, my major is the clothes design, sometimes when my teacher launches his designs, I have my own thoughts on how to design the buttons, how to cut the clothes, or how to decorate the colors and so on, although different maybe, yet my ideas are often acceptable. And my teacher permits me to design on myself, and the results are also desirable. However, if we all obey the instructors’ ideas, we may not be able to implement our innovative ideas. In some cases there is not the absolutely unanimous idea. I think students should be allowed to fully express their ideas.

2-14. Some people prefer to study on their own whereas others prefer to attend lectures. Which do you prefer and why? Please use examples to support your reasons.

In terms of these forms, I prefer to attend lectures.

Firstly, this way may help me broaden my horizons. For example, my major is the marketing, by attending lectures, when analyzing a marketing strategy or a marketing case in class, I may know how other students view it, what some scholars’ ideas are. However, if merely studying by myself, I may not hear so many voices.

And also, this may enhance my eloquence. Still taking my marketing major for example, when attending lectures, we often have group discussions, and we may discuss with each other, exchange our ideas or even debate with each other. All these make us more eloquent. And the good eloquence is good for marketing students.

That’s why I prefer to attend lectures to learn new things.

2-20. Do you agree with the following statement: the university should require all students to own a laptop? Please use specific reasons and examples to support your answer.

Definitely I think all students should own a laptop.

First of all, the laptops may better help us study. If having the laptops, whenever we meet things we don't know, we may surf on the Internet to get answers or some background information, which may help us better understand what the professor has said.

What’s more, having a laptop can better help students relieve their pressure. After a whole day’s learning, students can use the laptop to play computer games, watching movies, browsing news and so on to kill their time. They can well keep a balance between their work and study.

That’s why I think all students should own a laptop. Thank you.




