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新东方在线 职称英语培训


发布时间: 2016年12月26日



1.We have to ask them to quit talking in order that all people present could hear us clearly.
A) decrease B)cease
C) continue D)keep
2. They had a far better yield than any other farm miles away around this year.
A) goods B) soil
C) climate D) harvest
3. The city has decided to do away with all the old buildings in its center.
A) get rid of B) set up
C) repair D) paint
4.During the past ten years there have been dramatic changes in the international situation.
A) permanent B) powerful
C) striking D) practical
5. Since the Great Depression, the United States government has protected farmers from damaging drops in grain prices.
A) slight B) surprising C) sudden D) harmful
6. Cement was seldom used in building the Middle Ages.
A) crudely B) rarely C) originally D)occasionally
7. There is an abundant supply of cheap labor in this country.
A) a steady B) a plentiful C) an extra D) a stable
8. The most crucial problem any economic system faces is how to use its scarce resources.
A)puzzling B) difficult C) terrifying D) urgent
9. We derive knowledge mainly from books
A)deprive B) obtain
C) descend D)trace
10.We all consider him a man of dynamic personalities.
A)dangerous B) doubtful
C)active D)easy
11. The room was furnished with the simplest essentials, a bed, a chair, and a table
A)supplied B) gathered
C)grasped D)made
12. The local government decided to merge the two firms into a big one.
A)motivate B) combine
C)compact D)nominate
13. He emphasized a feasible plan which can be accepted by the both sides.
A)favorable B) possible
C)formal D)genuine
14. When does the next train depart?
A)pull up B) pull down
C)pull out D)pull in
15. Because administering the whole company, he sometimes has to work around the clock.
A)adjusting B) evaluating
C)engaging D)managing

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