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新东方在线 高中教育培训


发布时间: 2017年06月01日



  1.idea n. have some/ no idea 从句 / of …

  I have no idea why she left. / I have no idea of his address.

  2. ◎identity n The police are trying to discover the identity of the killer.

  The thief used a false identity. identity card=ID card

  4.ill adj 1) ill与sick的区别 He was ill/ sick. a sick mother

  2) = bad have a bad/ an ill effect on…影响不好 speak/ think ill of sb. 说某人的坏话

  5. ◎illegal / legal adj. It is illegal to drive through a red light.

  illegally adv. He entered the country illegally.

  6. imagine v. imagine sth. / doing sth. I can’t imagine life without the children now.

  I can’t imagine his becoming a teacher.

  7.◎immediately adv. He answered almost immediately.

  Turn right immediately after the church.

  conj. Immediately he had gone,I remembered her name.

  immediate adj. an immediate reaction / response take immediate action

  8. ●import 进口,输入 n. the import of electrical goods.

  v. All the meat is imported from France.

  9. ◎ impression n. a) get a good / bad impression of sb a general / an overall impression

  b) My words made no impression on her.

  His trip to India makes a strong impression on him.

  c) be under the impression that

  I was under the impression that the work had already been completed.

  impress v. impress sb with sth / sb He impressed us with his sincerity.

  impress sth on / upon sb He impressed on us the need for immediate action.

  impress sth / itself on / upon sth Her words impressed themselves on my memory.

  11.in prep.

  1 in a word一句话说 2 in all 总共

  3 in modern times 4 be measured in tons 用吨来衡量

  5 in that… 因为 She was lucky in that she had friends to help her .

  6 in the eighteenth century/ in the1990s 7 in one’s twenties

  8 in pencil/ English/ ink用铅笔/英语/墨水 9 pay sth in cash

  10 The wall is 3meters in height/high. / The rope is 3 meters in length/long.

  12.include v. Everyone laughed, including me. (me included.)

  13. increase 1) v. increase to / by 增加到/了

  2) n Great demands lead to a large increase in supply.

  increasingly adv. 越来越多的,不断增加的

  increasingly difficult/ important/ popular

  15. ◎indicate A red sky at night often indicated fine weather the next day.

  In his letter, he indicated to us that he was willing to cooperate.

  indication n. indication of sth / doing sth

  They gave no indication of how the work should be done .

  16. ◎ industry n.------ industrial adj. heavy / light industry

  17. influence n. have a strong… ~ on/ upon sb / sth

  ~over sb / sth His parents no longer have any ~ over her.

  under the ~ of sb / sth He committed the crime under the ~ of the drugs.

  Those friends are a bad ~ on her. v. His writings have ~d the lives of millions.

  18.● inform 告诉,通知 inform sb. of /that

  We regret to inform you that your application has been rejected.

  keep sb. informed of make informed decision

  19.◎ injure v. He ~d his knee playing football.

  This could seriously ~the company’s reputation.

  injury n. injuries There were no injuries in the crash.

  The players are out of the team because of injury.

  20. ◎ insert v. ~ sth in / into/ between sth

  They ~a tube in his mouth to help him breathe.

  ~ sth into sth He ~ed a paragraph into his will.


