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  forecast in the USA. The exercises of listening can test how the students grasp the detailed information in it. Speaking provides all types of topics for the students to talk about. When they finish their talking, a lot of useful expressions on how to express emotion, anxiety and fear are mastered by them. In the second period, we'll deal with Prereading, Reading and Post-reading. In the beginning, the students will see and talk about three pictures about a famous volcano vesuvius, which once erupted about two thousand years ago, and destroyed two small towns. Then the

  whole text gives us a vivid picture at that time. It describes how the writer’s uncle died. His uncle, attracted by the scene of volcano eruption, wanted to observe and record more about that. So he decided to go and see it from closer. He went there and rescued his friend's wife. Then he went to see another friend of his, who lived very near to the erupting volcano. He even encouraged the scared people to calm down. But unfortunately, he died at last. He only thought about learning more about volcano and wasn't afraid at all. He valued scientific knowledge more than his life. In the third period, we deal with Word study and a grammar item--Ellipsis. Plenty of exercises are arranged for it. The students will master it through practice. Integrating skills are delt with in the fourth period. The text is about a ship, controlled by the captain and his crew, fighting against a terrible typhoon. The story without end asks the students to use their imagination and write how it will end. We are sure that when the unit is finished, the students will not only improve their ability to listen, speak, read and write, but also learn and master plenty of useful words and expressions.

  role n. 原因;理由

  (1) (戏剧中的) 角色

  Oliver played (acted) the role / part of Hamlet.

  (2) (现实生活中的) 身份;作用

  What is your role on the Committee?

  (3) play a...role in... = play a...part in在……中扮演……角色或作用

  The headmaster plays an important role / part in the good running of a school.









  • 智能交互

  • 电子板书式视频教学

  • 互动问答

  • 封闭课堂


  • 随堂测试

  • 知识梳理

  • 易错点揭示

  • 总结启迪


4 1互动教学法,让学习变简单


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