

The High Section has been designed to prepare students for college, graduate school, and their adult years. The School provides courses that are rigorous, challenging and engaging. Classes focus on lessons that allow for in-depth learning to develop critical thinking skills that lead to well-developed complex problem solving skills. Students have options to select classes and programs that both meet their needs and position them well for university placement.


加拿大课程班 Canadian Curriculum:

必修核心课程 :语言类课程、IELTS、数学、科学、文学、历史、体育与健康;

Compulsory Subjects: ESL, IELTS, Mathematics, Science, Literature, History, Physical Education

选修课程 :器乐、艺术、批判性思维、西方礼仪、金融/商务、食品/营养、法语;

Elective Subjects: Musical Instrument, Art, Critical Thinking, Western Etiquette, Finance/Business, Food /Nutrition, French


Pre-University Courses: Social Practice, Course Arrangement, Time Management, Application Instruction, University Guide

美国课程班 American Curriculum:

必修核心课程 :TOEFL/ SAT、数学、科学、文学、历史、体育与健康;

Compulsory subjects: TOEFL/ SAT, Mathematics, science, literature, history, physical education

选修课程 : AP、器乐、艺术、批判性思维、西方礼仪、金融/商务、食品/营养、法语;

Elective Subjects: SAT, AP, Musical Instrument, Critical Thinking, Western Etiquette, Finance/Business, Food/Nutrition, French


Pre-University Courses: Social Practice, Course Arrangement, Time Management, Application Instruction, University Guide

